The Advantages of a Dual-Facing Dashboard Truck Camera
In the fleet management sector, dash cameras have proven to be more beneficial than not. Critics of the dash camera fear and argue that it will only cause more damage to the compan
The Electric Vehicle Revolution and the Future of Fleet Vehicles
Electric vehicles have sparked a new era in the automotive manufacturing industry. Every car manufacturer seems to be joining the movement quickly before they are left behind. Comp
The Midwest Cold Storm and its Effects on the Fleet World
This past week the Midwest has been hit with a devastating cold storm. Many power plants have been shut down due to the icy conditions. The entire state of Texas now faces an elect
Distracted Driving: Impacts and Solutions for the Leading Threat in Road Accidents
In today’s age of mobile technology, distracted driving has surpassed drunk driving as the leading threat of accidents on the road. With the constant innovation of smartphones an