Beyond Location: GPS as a Catalyst for Improved Sustainability Efforts

As organizations increasingly focus on minimizing their environmental impacts, leveraging GPS technology solutions to address sustainability has become an essential business strategy. GPS tracking systems, originally developed for navigation and logistics, have evolved to play a critical role in promoting eco-friendly practices and reducing carbon footprints. By optimizing routes, monitoring driving habits, and enabling proactive maintenance, GPS technology not only enhances operational efficiency and improves safety, but also significantly contributes to emission reductions and resource conservation.

GPS technology for fleet and asset management is a key element for enhancing sustainability efforts for forward-thinking organizations. By enabling precise vehicle performance tracking and facilitating solar-powered asset monitoring, GPS solutions provide a wealth of tools to support sustainability efforts. This approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also paves the way for substantial reductions in environmental impact.

This blog delves into the many ways GPS tracking contributes to sustainability, highlighting its impact on reducing emissions, promoting fuel efficiency, and enhancing maintenance strategies, ultimately paving the way for organizations to not only improve their sustainability efforts, but also deliver bottom-line operational savings.

Emission Reductions

GPS tracking technology plays a pivotal role in reducing emissions from vehicles and equipment. By providing insights into driving habits and vehicle usage patterns, GPS tracking empowers organizations to implement strategies that promote eco-friendly practices and fuel efficiency. According to the Telematics Wire Market market research, fleet owners who effectively use telematics reduce their fuel costs by as much as 14%.

Identifying Better Driving Habits

One of the primary ways GPS tracking contributes to emission reductions is by identifying and addressing bad driving habits. Harsh acceleration, excessive idling, and aggressive braking not only increase fuel consumption but also generate higher emissions. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that a long-haul truck idles about 1,800 hours per year, using about 1,500 gallons of diesel. At current diesel pricing of ~$3.80 per gallon, idling costs around $5,700 per year per long-haul truck.

GPS tracking devices equipped with accelerometers can detect these behaviors and provide real-time alerts or reports to fleet managers. Armed with this data, managers can implement driver training programs, incentives, or corrective measures to encourage safer and more efficient driving styles.

Cutting Unnecessary Emissions

GPS tracking systems enable fleet managers to optimize routes and minimize unnecessary mileage, thereby reducing emissions. By tracking vehicle locations and movements, managers can plan the most efficient routes, avoiding traffic congestion and reducing the time vehicles spend on the road. Additionally, GPS tracking can help eliminate unauthorized personal vehicle use, further minimizing emissions from non-essential trips.

Promoting Fuel Efficiency

GPS tracking technology empowers fleet managers to monitor and improve fuel efficiency through various means:

  1. Route Optimization: By planning the most efficient routes, GPS tracking reduces fuel consumption and associated emissions.
  2. Idling Monitoring: Excessive idling wastes fuel and generates unnecessary emissions. GPS tracking systems can detect and alert drivers to minimize idling time.
  3. Driver Behavior Monitoring: GPS tracking data from accelerometers and dashcams can identify aggressive driving behaviors that negatively impact fuel economy, allowing for targeted driver training and coaching.

By leveraging GPS tracking technology, organizations can implement data-driven strategies to reduce emissions, promote fuel efficiency, and contribute to more sustainable and cost-effective operations.

Maintenance Savings

GPS tracking technology offers a suite of features that transition vehicle and asset maintenance practices from reactive to proactive, resulting in improved operational efficiencies and extended vehicle and asset lifecycles.

Continuous Diagnostics

GPS tracking solutions, especially when enhanced with devices accessing data from a vehicle’s CAN bus,  go beyond mere location tracking, providing real-time diagnostics and monitoring of critical vehicle parameters. These solutions track odometer readings, fuel levels, battery voltage, coolant temperatures, and engine performance metrics. By continuously monitoring these vital signs, organizations can proactively identify potential issues and schedule timely maintenance, ensuring vehicles and assets remain safe and reliable for employees to operate.

Predictive Maintenance

Leveraging the wealth of data collected by GPS tracking systems, businesses can implement predictive maintenance strategies. By analyzing historical data and identifying patterns, organizations can forecast potential equipment malfunctions before they occur. This proactive approach allows for timely interventions, minimizing unplanned downtime and costly repairs. According to Fleet Management Weekly, telematics can help organizations reduce maintenance costs by up to 14%.

Predictive maintenance empowers businesses to optimize resource allocation and ensure maximum equipment reliability.

  1. Early Warning Signs: Anomalies in engine performance, fluctuations in fuel consumption, or irregular operating patterns can serve as early indicators of potential problems.
  2. Data-driven Scheduling: GPS tracking data enables organizations to develop precise maintenance schedules based on the actual usage and health status of each vehicle, maximizing uptime and prolonging asset lifespan.
  3. Cost Optimization: By addressing maintenance needs proactively, businesses can significantly reduce equipment-related expenses, avoid costly breakdowns and repairs, and improve their bottom line.

Vehicle and Asset Longevity

GPS tracking systems play a crucial role in extending the lifespan of vehicles and assets by facilitating proactive maintenance practices. By monitoring usage patterns, organizations can ensure that maintenance activities are performed when needed, preventing unnecessary wear and tear on components. Additionally, real-time maintenance alerts and driving reports help identify areas for improvement, such as eliminating needless stops or revising poorly planned routes, further contributing to vehicle longevity.

By harnessing the power of GPS tracking technology, organizations can transform their maintenance strategies, prioritizing efficiency, reliability, and sustainability, positioning themselves for long-term success in their respective industries.

Solar-Powered Asset Trackers

Solar-powered asset trackers revolutionize continuous monitoring capabilities while eliminating frequent battery replacements. By harnessing renewable energy, these devices offer uninterrupted, sustainable operation, delivering both immediate and lasting advantages. Using solar-powered devices not only enhances tracking efficiency but also significantly reduces maintenance needs and environmental impact.

Eliminates Frequent Battery Replacements

Solar-powered GPS tracking devices can operate continuously without frequent battery replacements or manual recharging. This is especially important for assets in remote areas or long-term tracking applications, as it ensures the tracking device remains operational. The self-sustaining nature of these devices not only reduces maintenance costs but also minimizes the environmental impact associated with battery disposal. Furthermore, the consistent power supply enables more frequent data updates, providing businesses with real-time insights for improved decision-making and asset management.

Avoids Service Visits to Remote Assets

Solar power enables higher frequency tracking of assets without worrying about the tracking device going offline due to a drained battery. This is particularly important for critical assets. Solar-powered tracking systems can be scaled easily, whether you need to track a single asset or a portfolio of assets, without being limited by access to power or limited battery lifespans. This flexibility avoids the need for frequent service visits to remote assets solely for battery replacements, enhancing operational efficiency. Moreover, the continuous data stream from solar-powered devices allows for predictive maintenance strategies. By analyzing performance metrics and operational data, businesses can determine when assets need servicing, rather than relying on fixed scheduled visits. This data-driven approach not only reduces unnecessary maintenance trips but also helps prevent unexpected breakdowns, further optimizing resource allocation and improving overall asset reliability.

Long-Term Environmental Benefits of Solar Trackers

Solar-powered tracking systems have a lower environmental impact than traditional battery-powered devices requiring regular battery replacements. By harnessing renewable energy, these systems reduce the overall carbon footprint associated with tracking operations. Choosing solar-powered asset trackers supports the transition to a more sustainable future.


The intersection of GPS technology and sustainability efforts is a powerful catalyst for driving positive environmental change. By harnessing the capabilities of GPS tracking, businesses, governments, and organizations can unlock a wealth of opportunities to reduce emissions, optimize resource management, and promote responsible practices across various sectors.

GPS tracking empowers organizations to identify and address inefficiencies, such as poor driving habits, excessive idling, and suboptimal routing. By implementing data-driven strategies, organizations can significantly reduce fuel consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a greener transportation ecosystem.

As we face increasing environmental challenges, the integration of GPS technology with Machine Vision, AI (artificial intelligence), and neural networks presents even more promising avenues for sustainability. Predictive maintenance powered by GPS data can extend the lifespan of assets, reducing waste and resource consumption.

Read our blogs “On the Road: Exploring the Synergy of Machine Vision, AI, and Dashcams for Fleet Safety” and “Navigating the Neural Network Wave: Unveiling New IoT Capabilities with Neural Networks and Devices” to learn more about these rapidly evolving technologies.

In conclusion, GPS technology is a key enabler for creating a more sustainable future. Its ability to provide precise, real-time data empowers decision-makers to make informed choices that balance economic needs with environmental stewardship. As this technology continues to evolve, its potential to drive positive environmental change will only grow, making it a critical tool in efforts to create more sustainable business operations.

About Positioning Universal

Established in 2013, Positioning Universal is the leading global provider of off-the-shelf and customizable IoT devices for monitoring vehicles and assets. Our Systems Integration (SI) services deliver turn-key solutions for smooth IoT implementations, leveraging our team’s extensive industry knowledge.

With a deep understanding of IoT technologies, we guide organizations in designing and deploying IoT solutions that meet their unique needs. Our comprehensive offerings, paired with best-in-class customer support, empower businesses with the essential business intelligence to sustain a competitive edge in rapidly evolving markets.

Positioning Universal’s Solar-Powered Asset Trackers

Positioning Universal launched its solar asset trackers, the TT600 and TT6031, in 2019. Key competitive differentiators for the TT600 and TT603 are:

  • Dynamic Tracking & Reporting: 1-minute GPS fix intervals with every 10-minute reporting while moving.
  • Solar Cell Size & Efficiency: one of the largest and most efficient solar cells in the market.
  • Self-Sustaining Power: backup battery will last up to 4 months at 12 reports/day.
  • Pre-Charged Battery: immediately monitor assets without concerns tracking will be inconsistent or stop due to depleted batteries.

6-axis Accelerometer: increases the data set available to evaluate accidents and roll-overs compared to the 3-axis accelerometers available on most solar trackers.

1 TT603 has a built-in connector to connect temperature sensors, door sensors, and to detect tractor power.